Friends with International Students

Friends with International Students partners with Cal State University Fullerton to connect international students with American Friends.

Friends with International Students “Celebration of World Cultures” Spring Welcome Party
Saturday, January 27 | 6 PM | Center Bldg.
This fun event for students and the American volunteers will include food, culture and performances. Volunteers are needed for table hosts, student drivers, set-up, clean up, cultural performances, or to bring a dish to share. Please click the button below to find out more information or to sign up to volunteer.

We invite you to join us as we befriend students from around the world! These students are away from family and friends for months to years and seek American friends. Our expressions of friendship not only help them to navigate life in the United States through answering questions about our culture, helping with day to day living like opening a US bank account and where to buy school supplies and food, but also open doors for questions about faith and Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to step across cultural and language boundaries and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

There are currently 70,000+ international students who come to the Greater Los Angeles area each year from numerous countries around the world.  The next generation of world leaders is coming to our universities, according to statistics and we have the opportunity to have a positive impact on their lives.

God is doing incredible things in the lives of our international students and their American friends! We invite you to be a part!

How to be involved:

1. Be a Friendship Partner: Each semester new students arrive from their countries and experience significant adjustment challenges. Many are eager to be matched with an American friend who invites them either into their home for a meal or out for coffee at least once a month (or however often you and your friend wish to meet.) It’s an easy way to provide encouragement and introduction to American culture. And, in so doing, you can profoundly impact an international friend. For anyone who is interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Linda LeFeuvre at

2. Be an Event Volunteer: (Drivers, hosts and support volunteers are always needed.)

•  Beach Bonfires

•  Game Nights

•  Dinner in an American home

To sign up to help volunteer at any of the events, please contact Linda LeFeuvre at

3. Donate:

•  Donate food or raffle prizes for our events.
Donate furniture. Students often have to furnish their own apartment and that is expensive. Bless a student with a gently used desk, couch, table, chairs, etc. (No mattresses, please.)


For additional information about the International Students Ministry, please contact Linda LeFeuvre at